Where do I begin? I suppose I need to find out something first... is it considered slander to accuse someone of murder, even if it's done on a silly little blog on the world wide web of wonder? I hope not... because I would like to send a special thank you to Ashlee Simpson (and I will not put the name Wentz in there) for killing the new Melrose Place. The CW reboot has officially been canceled and it's time for this guy to start playing the blame game. (In case you didn't catch it, that thank you to Simpson was dripping in sarcasm.) It's true she was fired from the show and not even in the final episodes, but I think she left a tiny trail of destruction that led to the demise of my favorite Place that Kimberly Shaw would be proud of. I feel like I can't complain too much, because after losing my original Place in May of 1999, I know how fortunate I was to get to return nearly 11 years later. To be graced with the presence of Amanda Woodward again? That's the stuff Jimmie Taylor dreams are made of.
Well... I really had the intent to rant and rave and bitch about the demise (again!) of my Melrose, but I just got sidetracked by Mega Tsunami: 5 Years Later on TLC. I saw people literally being swept out to sea and I heard some of the survivors talk about the ordeal, and returning to the tiny pink laptop to gripe about the cancellation of a tv show seems kind of petty. Just when I'm about to cast a stone at the bigwigs of the CW network in Hollywood, I get a reality check. ********************************************************************
Melrose Place, you will be missed. On DVD, and in my heart, the address of 4616 MP will live forever.
As for the Zip Code that makes my world go round,
I choose not to fathom what would happen if it were
to up and leave my lifestyle again.
I choose not to fathom what would happen if it were
to up and leave my lifestyle again.
ps- these 2 pics were on my phone from months ago, because frankly- sometimes when I hang out with Cheree and watch my shows, I bask in the glory of my simple life and take pictures of what I love on my TV. It's what I do.
ps- check here to see when the Tsunami show airs again... it's worth the watch. 250,000 lives lost across 14 countries. Something tells me I'll survive Melrose Place being canceled just fine.
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