Friday, December 23, 2011

I blog to differ...

2012 is almost upon me, and I am not one to make and break resolutions. (it's easy, because I never make them, making it impossible to break them.) I feel like the winds of change are in the air and it's time for me to set some goals for myself and see them through. 2012 seems like the perfect year, as I am a slave to the numbers. (that sounds better than admitting I have a weird OCD, right? '12 = 3 when added together, and 3 is my native tongue, whatever that means.) My first goal is to document my words more, whether it be here, over at my other little place on the web or in my new journal. (I LOVE JOURNALS WITH BLANK PAGES!!) that wasn't a caps lock accident by the way, I really do get excited at new journals with many blank pages to fill.) Is there a point to this entry? Not really... but with me, there never really is. In case you've failed to figure me out by now, I am totally random.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

in her satin tights, fighting for your rights...

holy amazon princess with bullet proof bracelets!! has it truly madly deeply been over a year since I last posted here?? (for those of you not willing to do the research, let me confirm for you now: it has.) why? was I blinded by the promising lights of tumblr? (maybe, for a quick minute.) turns out that even over on that forum, I didn't post as a regular joe. (good thing... as my name's not Joe.) what??
my boyfriend brought me home these socks this night. how do I know he's good people? because not only did he know that I would wear these knee-high Wonder Woman socks, he knew that I would wear them... while wearing shorts... in public... while walking next to him. That makes him my Superman, without even asking. :^)