Friday, May 8, 2009

Tori's gay best friend made me watch it...

I'm about to see Star Trek,
on opening night...

normally, I would say shoot me.

but Zachary Quinto,
who played Sasan on So noTorious
(Tori Spelling's show on VH1)
and now plays Sylar on HEROES
has me a little excited.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ever wonder about season 2?


june 16th.

it's about time...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

damn it, Gambit...

forgot to say-

I saw the Origin of the Wolverine.



Well ol' double-D Doralee's gonna stick it to you...

"I'm gonna shine like the sun when these clouds roll away from my door...
When it's all said and done I won't be at your mercy no more...
I will prove my own worth, heal the damage and hurt that's been done...
When the crying's all done, well I'm gonna shine like the sun."

ps- 9 to 5 is now on Broadway...



Friday, May 1, 2009

survey says...

pretty sure I give the
test blog 2 thumbs up...

just missed the train...

I don't know how anyone I know will ever even see this, because frankly I don't even know how I got here.

This is pretty much just a test blog, to see how it works... because Michelle and I might make one for the parents of our children this summer...

This just in: Michelle and I work together at First Baptist Day Care... what?

can I delete this test when I'm done??


(I won't use that word in the AfterSchool Blog...)
