Blog entries like this border on the ridiculous. So many events happen in day to day life for all of us, and in between random posts on this "crappy little blog" that I imagine typing, so much more happens and my ideas just fall by the way... (if you will.) I visit Hollywood gossip websites more often than I visit my own personal reality (I never said I was proud about it) and I want my blog to be something different. If I have zero followers (even though it says I have six, I'm not sure how dedicated they are) that won't matter... I'm going to write about stuff that makes me happy, and then I might just print it off and give to my mama to read. (she is, what one might call, internet-shy.) Because Jill Cherryholmes is my perfect fan... and I know she cares about what I have to say, so if for nothing else... I shall blog on. (WHAT??)
This I promise you... these blog entries always make much more sense in my head, when I plan them out, like 7 hours prior to typing them. Seriosuly. (I know I just spelled that wrong, get over it.) Anyballs, the highlight of my day? Actually... I had a few highlights. The one I choose to focus on is this- I walked into Dollar General Store (for my own personal reasons, stop looking me up & down like I'm white trash) and guess what slapped my eyes?? Well, if your name isn't Sherlock Holmes and you haven't figured it out, look at the pic. A HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR YEAR doll (one of the VERY few I don't own) for $12... for 25% off... that rang up $6!!! (I know I just recently passed college algebra, but I think I got what is known as a bargain.) Random, little things in life that bring me joy, I feel I should always write about. I feel like I have more to say, but that's for another time & another place... ps- "crappy little blog" is a shout-out to my Aunt Jan, who my mama tells me got in trouble when they were young for referring to the family pet as a "crappy little dog" ~ good times.
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