the secret is out:
I love Facebook 'notes' and I love filling them out... and I am too often at a loss for words on my alleged blog. These notes give me something to sing (off-key) about. Instead of posting on Facebook, I've started dropping them on this lonely little blog...The following is my '25 things' I posted on Facebook on January 7, 2009. I've always wanted to have a sequel, and I think I just paved the way. Stay tuned. (I know, for anyone who gets it, my 15 albums will post tomorrow!!)
I guess it's my turn... I've been putting this note business off, because frankly I didn't think I could come up with 25 things... I'm still not so certain, but after reading other notes, I kinda feel inspired... It's electric...
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. My name is James Taylor... yes, I am named after the singer, but also (and way more importantly) after my grandfather. Since the already famous James Taylor is getting older, I like to consider myself the James Taylor for the Hannah Montana generation... aka Jim-Bob.
2. Jim-Bob was a ridiculous nickname that was given to me in high school, and I honestly have no idea where it came from. When I began working at the First Baptist Day Care in 1994 (!!!) I worked with Gina Zieman... she called me Jim-Bob at work and the kids picked up on it. It's now 2009 and I couldn't get rid of that name if I tried to. (And after a couple of failed attempts, I have come to accept that Jim-Bob is here to stay... and I like it.)
3. My mother is small in stature, but by far the strongest woman I have ever known. Her name is Jill Cherryholmes and I wish there were enough of her to go around. I am a self-proclaimed Mama's Boy and I love every second of it. She helped make me who I am, and I am often embarrassed and ashamed at the way I talked to her growing up. I was a snot-nosed brat who should've had my hand (and mouth!) slapped more than once, but I never did. I try to make up for it every chance I get now. I love her more than I can say.
4. My grandma is and was the only other person who could love me like my mama. I miss her.
5. I'm a big fat cry baby. (Seriously, why do you think I couldn't type any more about my gram??) TV shows, movies, commercials... anything that moves my heart makes me cry. When I need a good cry, I watch Hope Floats... because I cry so hard it hurts, and when it's all over I feel like I can breathe again. Savannah Smiles does the same thing for me...
6. I feel a special connection to the kids I went to grade school with at Skelly Elementary.
7. Yellow has ALWAYS been my favorite color, but pink and orange fight for the second favorite spot.
8. I *lovelovelove* Deborah Gibson- turns out it wasn't 'just a teen phase'.
9. I moved to Los Angeles in 2002 without any friends, without a set place to live and my life crammed into 3 suitcases. I had applied and been accepted into an AmeriCorps program (the National Readiness & Response Corps, mind you)... My mom gave me the best advice I had ever been given~ *Chicken if ya don't!* The year I spent in AmeriCorps was a defining year in my life. I can't even begin to sum it up here. I feel like I cheated the program, because I feel like I gained so much more from it than any client we assisted locally or on national disaster. For an entire year of my life I was a full-time volunteer for the American Red Cross... and I am proud of that.
10. My boyfriend Josh is one of my favorite people in the world. He puts up with me, and I am a handful. He's hard for me to talk about in words, because he's that special. I don't think he knows how much I love him... I hope one day he does. Plus, he's way forgiving about all my alleged affairs in Hollywood.
11. I have more than one best friend. I have best friends from each part of my life, and they will always remain my best friends. I hope they feel the same way about me.
12. The friends I made in LA needed their own number, because I wouldn't have made it through the year without them. Number 12 is a shout out to them.
13. My soul mate is a girl. Ang is the other half of me... I believe we are cosmic soul twins. She is one of the most important people to ever fall into my life, and I cherish her friendship more than she knows. (She claims to know... she has no idea.) She introduced me to MySpace... I've yet to get her on Facebook. (She has a page- Angie Bashore of Dallas/Ft. Worth- message her and tell her to get her page up and running!!)
14. I have a chihuahua named Laramie. The first date Josh and I ever went on was to see the play The Laramie Project. She's our baby. She goes by the name of Mimi... because she is, of course, also named after Tori Spelling's (now deceased) dog... Mimi LaRue. (Do you follow? Laramie "Mimi" LaRue Taylor.) If gay marriage is ever legal for more than 5 days, I get her in the gay divorce since she took the name of Taylor...
15. My parent's divorce was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I eventually got 3 sisters and another brother when my dad remarried shortly after. I don't use the term 'half' sibling, because just like Eric- Anna, Norma, Jeffery and Billie are entirely my family.
16. 90210 is out of control and in my face all the time and I can't stop, won't stop. Blessed be the Zip Code that streams through my blood like a diet soda Kelly Taylor ordered at The Peach Pit... (wow- I have no idea where that came from!!)
17. The Wizard of Oz and Mary Poppins have always been my Number 1 and Number 2 favorite movies of all time. That all changed on October 25, 2008 when I saw High School Musical 3: Senior Year for the first time. HSM3 bumped them both, without even asking. I can't even explain it, because it's not even a joke. That movie makes my heart smile. Plus, Zac Efron...
18. Some of my craziest times I don't even remember... thanks to Lesly, Kiley and Cherry Vodka.
19. I have 6 tattoos, but only 2 of them represent LeAnn Rimes.
20. I sometimes want children, because I would have a ball naming them.
21. I sometimes don't want children, because this world is a scary place.
22. I watch Channel 10 news, but only for the love of Jeff Herndon. He is my local celebrity boyfriend. Because of him, I can look past the shine that is lipstick of Susan Peters.
23. I became a fan of Mariah Carey the day the world turned on her. I sometimes lie and say Glitter is my favorite movie, though I have never seen it and own it on DVD.
24. I know I'm gonna be pissed when this is said and done, because I'll realize I forgot to mention something I thought of during the day that I wanted to type...
and if you made it this far...
25. My bf Josh and I planned on moving to NY this past August with our Wichita roomie Amanda... I flew to NYC on Sept 11 and interviewed w/ Bright Horizons and was offered a job at Rockefeller Center. My friend Toni (from AmeriCorps!) and her fiance are building a 2-family home on the beach, part of a community called Arverne by the Sea. We were set to rent half the home... For whatever reason, the house still isn't ready. We came to terms with staying in Kansas. Josh and I were approved for a home loan, so we went to an auction in El Dorado and bought us a house!!! (wait- there's more.) The loan fell out from underneath us and our big gay dream just slapped us in the face again!! (Did I mention Josh, Amanda and I were forced from our apartment after a fire broke out last September??) So... my fabulous new home is just a house. And not mine. And I am tired of telling the story of NY and I'm sure I will tire of telling the story of that house. From this point on, I shall refer people to this note!!
crap. I just remembered I wanted to say something about Pippi Longstocking.
"crap. I just remembered I wanted to say something about Pippi Longstocking." lol! Did you really? Wonder what it was....
ReplyDeleteHate to seem like I spammer, but I truly enjoy your wit and your posts. (And I love how passionate you are as a fan of LR - as passionate as me!) What 2 tats represent LeAnn? :o