more than meets the eye?
you know what I wish?? first, I wish I could be more of a blogger who doesn't worry so much about capitalization and punctuation... I'm trying to let go of that. next, I wish I had more bars on my phone in my basement so I could finish my illegal ringtone download of a lost debbie gibson song. (that wasn't really what I wanted to say, but it kind of just fell out of my fingertips.) "I saw it whole and with my soul and yes, with all my heart." that's the only clue of the lost song I can give you... if you are a diehard, you know it without even asking. if you aren't a diehard, I might slap your face if ever given the chance. now back to what else I wish... third, I wish it was my turn to pick out the movie. what I would really like to feast my eyes upon is my sister's keeper, but somehow transformers 2 won out. what the f bomb?? sister stars ariel, the oldest daughter from medium... and cammy d in a role unfamiliar to her previous films. (I totally just tried to sound like an official reviewer.) I think that once I do get to see the keeper of the sister, it might bump hope floats as the ultimate tear-jerking heartbreaker movie of my career as a blogger. (what??)
since this is my first official blog entry of words, I kind of am on a roll and my fingers can't stop. I feel the need to insert another picture... a pic that has absolutely nothing to do with this post. what shall it be??
the subject lately is chelsea...